티스토리 뷰

"Said the other tests are also yieogaya according to an investigation aimed at the boss, Chief Shim Cheong Wa Dae and the passport laws and principles," he preached participants. Simjaecheol is ready chumiae hearing refurbished. Anyway one baekgye need. General not under the control of the load, the situation was not going to qualify from this position yangseokjo sword against Corruption unit, senior researcher at the hangmyeong to the supervisor of a bayonet simjaecheol new anti-corruption department. Researcher Cho Yang ago

The bingjahan hangmyeong the situation is that drunkenness was the Hot News on Sunday evening and Monday morning. Of course, the intention of the article is that while Ali is the opposition of the prosecution organization for chumiae Minister of Human Resources severe enough to inde intent to create a negative opinion about the prosecution Personnel citizens' prosecution officials, but even so the mutiny? Everyone will have to accept that discipline ought to. " In addition, reporters go directly to the sanggajip to oversee the site and covering

He arrested the former president while jaesusa the event in 10 years charged (currently jewelry) made, found, convicted in the first trial. 9) johyeonho Seoul Southern District Prosecutors 'Office examination (29 units) in southern Seoul, he worked as a judge after the Daegu District Prosecutors' Office examined in Chamberlain Gwangju District Court and the Gwangju High Court is working in Haenam support after US training return at the Kwangju District Court this February 22 date gotta appointed to the judiciary greet promoted to District chief judge War

Expressed regret. The 20th of Justice sent a letter to the title is the 'Sword executive sanggatjip shameful conduct related to the Ministry of Justice notified, "drinking of alcohol in the heart of the bayonet executives first reported by the public in a solemn funeral to be followed for example in the middle of the night May 18 castles in and out journalists Dear simryeo gotta happy to apologize for the inappropriate words and actions to the public, such as crossing jangsamyisa also do not think very much regret proudly as the highest supervisor of the Attorney General of Justice prosecutors, "he said. Following "Meanwhile, several tests have not been shown to improve various unsavory things in a funeral Also still several prosecutors executives

"I would go to figure out (in the press) is the left end of the line chideut away." "If this thing tomorrow, I can only think of the article to be this thing deliberately intended," he told said that one witness. The test is said that over 40 people witnessed this scene. And the next day, hangmyeong 'scene with a new single ovary exit blah ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

Songgyeongho baramjapyi, yangseokjo shows hangmyeong so we look so different and prosecution organizations commonsense knew without filtration. In the end the look is also thought to be important principles they haewatdaneun 70 years worth crashing in front of their own interests (reform bill, HR, etc.) costs, they think that such a philosophy, not in what it is. State they are shown, as well as the private sector and I think the level will be disciplined look at aspects of the general laxity of discipline officials. The conclusion prosecution reforms proceed step by step we will be more to see their present form without filtration

Yang, senior researcher at the public backlash and spiral reasons Sim Department recently prosecution in leadership meetings Yoo, Jae - Soo (56, detained accused) before the opposition to the motherland 55 former justice minister accused Busan Economy involved in 'Inspector diffuse' allegations of market It is associated with side. Yangseokjo anti-corruption sword, Senior Researcher gangryeokbu simjaecheol Sword, a powerful anti-corruption Department prosecutors, etc. According to the 19th, four months, I

The 20th grade tests Deputy Supreme Prosecutor's Office officials had expressed regret, saying, "sanggatjip shameful conduct" for the day to protest publicly to the country before the Minister of Justice put the event handling supervisor newly appointed district attorney. Secretary Chu sent its position statement titled through Wednesday morning daebyeoninsil Justice "Sword of Justice officials sanggatjip shameful conduct relevant alert" had criticized the prosecution officials. Yangseokjo (47, Judicial Research and Training Institute 29 groups) gangryeokbu anti-corruption sword, Senior Researcher (Deputy tests) are the last 18 nights colleagues

By inappropriate words and actions do not jangsamyisa are happy to apologize to simryeo Dear citizens think very carefully pity as the highest supervisor of the Attorney General of Justice prosecutors. ○ Meanwhile, several tests have not been shown to improve various unsavory things in the funeral Still, I am Also deplores the fact that several prosecution officials have caused such a thing in the middle of the night. ○ The Ministry of Justice will endeavor to ensure that the same again this does not happen to change the organizational culture, public prosecutor of the wrong discipline can just stand. 10. Looking at the Ministry of Justice that an apology message I feel is this:

It is due. The senior prosecutor ganbugeup meeting that will be able to their own opinion, the opinion of simjaecheol was not accepted to yunseokyeol General thereon. In fact, things are not going to be a problem up here. It says now that figure does not accept that often occurs out opinions. 3. But also rank junior rider even younger, even younger age of yangseokjo openly insulting a senior test and one hangmyeong

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